“On Solitude” (Habits)

I typically do my work in my room on my top bunk. It acts as a private area without while still being in my own comfort zone. I like to have some background noise but nothing too extreme. So sometimes when my neighbors come in to hangout with my roommates it gets distracting. If I realize I can’t concentrate then I move to the front room art exhibit in the library. I like that area because there is a lot of natural light, like my room, but its quiet- just not too quiet. Silence makes me uncomfortable so I don’t like to work in the upper levels of the library. I have tried that, but it’s always unsuccessful. I like to listen to white noise like rain while I’m working to help me concentrate without getting distracted by the words like I would if I was listening to lyrical music. I often find myself taking phone breaks when I can’t think, which often leads to me getting distracted for longer than I anticipate. When I work in my room I prefer to be alone, since talking out loud to myself tends to help my thinking process. So I try to do the majority of my work while my roommates are out or at class. This has recently become a bigger problem since now we all have so many friends they always have people over here.
