Curiosity and Reading

I think when a person is curious while reading a scholarly article, it allows one to be open minded to the subject in question.  If one wishes to learn they will be more subjective to an idea if they are curious and open minded about it. In Rita Charon’s “Narrative Medicine: A Model for Empathy, Reflection, Profession and Trust”, Charon starts off by telling a story about a woman’s body crippling illness, and how it was genetically passed down to her son. The introduction makes the reader sympathize with the patient, and then makes the response from the doctor (author) more engaging when you fully understand the effects of “narrative medicine” (the listening of a story). As you read through the article the author made me curious about how narrative medicine works, and the multiple uses of them. While reading this article my curiosity allowed me to be open minded and want to explore further on this topic.