Category Archives: English 110

Habits Practice 2 (pg.162)

My personal writers workspace is my desk in my room. In my own little space, I have all that I need to create and write efficiently. All my tools are there at my disposal. I have all my books, papers, pens, pencils, highlighters, post-it notes, and most importantly my laptop. I have pictures of my family and friends, and letters too. Having those there allow me to step back and calm myself when I’m feeling overwhelmed. While looking at the writers at work page, I noticed that many of the writers had cluttered work spaces much like my own. I like to write in my room because it allows me to feel comfortable and in control of my surroundings. I can play music if I please, or keep the windows open to hear the noises and feel the breeze from outside. If I choose to have more privacy I can close my door. Personally quite spaces make me uncomfortable. I choose to steer clear of libraries because I tend to concentrate on the silence and not my work. It reminds me of nothingness, and that scares me in a way. I like to feel connected with my surroundings, not like I’m the only one there.
